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Our Services

Private Speech Therapist For Your Child In Singapore

At Speech Alliance, we offer the convenience of providing home-based speech therapy sessions in the comfort of your child's home as well as sessions in school or any preferred location, fostering a familiar environment. This approach allows for generalisation of skills within everyday routines. 


Our private speech therapy session in a school setting provides us with the chance to collaborate closely with teachers, offering invaluable insights into our clients' performance within the school environment. This allows us to observe social interactions and dynamics among our clients and their peers.

Our services encompass both individual and group therapy, with a specific focus on improving social skills and communication, including the development of relationships with peers.


Initial Consult/ Assessment 

We provide assessments and intervention for children and adolescents in the following areas:

  • Speech

  • Language

  • Social communication skills

  • Literacy

Initial Consult and Assessment
Initial Consult and Assessment

Initial consults will include:

  • A detailed case history with main caregivers

  • Observations of client within the session

  • Comprehensive assessments to determine our clients’ needs. This includes formal/ informal assessments or screeners for speech, language and literacy (depending on the presenting issue). 

    • Depending on time, assessments may require more than one session to complete.

    • Kindly note that your therapist will need time after the session to analyse and interpret the assessment results to determine specific therapy goals. This will be discussed with you during the intervention sessions. 

  • Caregiver education on understanding and supporting the communication needs of our clients



Intervention sessions will include:

  • Addressing specific goals set for our clients.

  • Providing feedback to caregivers. With permission, videos may be recorded and shared with parents to guide them in providing suitable follow-up for our clients.

  • Documenting session notes outlining the intervention process.

Intervention sessions
School based therapy

Caregiver Trainings & Professional Development 

We provide training to empower caregivers, equipping them with tools, strategies, and support to foster the development of their child's communication skills. Our speech therapy class/program is designed to help children reach their full communication potential.

Caregiver Trainings & Professional Development

Additionally, we offer consultative services and professional development to teachers seeking guidance on how to support our clients or other children within the classroom setting. Some of the topics include: 


  • Identification of students with communication difficulties

  • Developmental Language Disorders

  • Supporting students with language and literacy difficulties

  • Collaborative practices with Speech Therapists

  • Social Communication Difficulties

  • Literacy Difficulties​

Have a chat with us to find out how we can provide tailored Professional Development topics for your school teachers based on your requirements and needs!


How Does Speech Alliance Differ From Other Speech Therapy Clinics in Singapore?

At Speech Alliance, we pride ourselves on our personalized approach. As a small, mobile practice, we prioritize building strong partnerships with our clients, their caregivers, and their teachers. We believe that communication is most effective when we work closely together to support your child's unique needs in familiar environments, whether at home or at school.

What Is the Speech Therapy Process Like?

Every child is unique, so we tailor our therapy sessions to meet your child’s individual needs and goals. Typically, the process begins with an initial assessment, where we get to know your child’s strengths, challenges, and family dynamics. From there, we develop a personalized treatment plan. We’ll work with you every step of the way, providing strategies and exercises that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Our goal is to make therapy enjoyable and impactful.

How Do I Know if My Child Needs Speech and Language Therapy?

If you're noticing that your child is having difficulty with speaking, understanding language, pronouncing words, or social communication, it might be time to explore speech therapy. Every child develops at their own pace, but if there’s a noticeable delay or struggle, we’d be happy to offer a thorough assessment to help you understand whether therapy could benefit your child.

What Are the Benefits of Attending Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy can be a game-changer for children who face communication challenges. It helps build essential skills like language comprehension, articulation, and social communication. In addition to improving speech clarity, therapy can also boost confidence, support academic success, and enhance social interactions. Most importantly, it sets a strong foundation for your child to communicate more effectively in all areas of their life.

Can I Be Present During My Child’s Therapy Session?

We encourage parents and caregivers to be present during therapy sessions. This allows you to observe firsthand what your child is working on, and it helps you continue supporting them at home throughout the week. However, we understand that some children may be more comfortable without parents present, so in these cases, we’ll provide updates through videos or pictures to keep you in the loop.

Do You Offer Services In-Clinic?

Currently, we offer therapy sessions only at home and in schools. Our mobile practice is designed to bring therapy to your child in natural, everyday environments where they feel most comfortable. We believe this approach helps foster meaningful progress as we work within the spaces your child is familiar with.

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